Recent ICE Raids
Following months-long rhetoric from President Trump that millions of “illegal aliens” must be deported from the US, he sent out tweets confirming that ICE would carry out raids in cities with migrant populations. ICE – US Immigration and Customs Enforcement – had its missions publicized, and many fears grew over impending deportation. The cities included in the mission are New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Baltimore, Denver, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Miami. Regardless of whether the ICE raids result in mass deportations, it has brought up the issue of rights for immigrants.

ICE officers cannot just enter an individual’s home
The ACLU set out immigrant rights and an action plan for how to act once ICE arrives at home. One of the most important rights is that ICE officers cannot just enter an individual’s home (unless probation conditions apply). They must have a search or arrest warrant. If officers arrive, migrants should ask for the officers to identify themselves and explain their purpose. Always ask for the officer’s identification. If the ICE agents do not have a warrant signed by a judge, the migrants should keep the door shut. Even if the officers enter the premises by force, migrants should state that they do not consent to their entry or search. In all cases, migrants should remain silent and ask to speak to a lawyer. The migrant does not need to explain anything else. Another important note: they should not sign any documents without first speaking with a lawyer.
Some states have their own rules and it’s important that migrants understand how the law protects them. If undocumented migrants have any questions regarding their rights or seek an explanation of the law, they can consult with the experienced immigration lawyers at Sethi & Mazaheri. While threats of deportation increase, undocumented migrants can ease fears by knowing their rights, having a guideline, and seeking the advice of legal aids.